Shortfin Mako, Isurus oxyrinchus

Shortfin Mako, Isurus oxyrinchus

Shark Drawings

Long before I’d had the privilege to encounter any shark species in the water, I began a series of large scale shark drawings.

Through many hours spent drawing and studying different sharks, my attention was drawn to both the incredible physiological adaptations of each species and the unique scars and nicks that tell the story of specific individuals.

I’ve since been lucky enough to dive with fourteen different species of shark. I aim to complete a drawing of each of those species, to emphasise the value of these incredible encounters and the impact these moments have had on my life. I hope that others will see the beauty and vulnerability of these vital animals, and replace any fear they might have with a desire to learn more - and perhaps even a wish to have shark encounters of their own. There is an incredibly powerful message in showing that sharks are worth protecting if people will travel to see them.

The mako shark was the first drawing I completed, inspired by an instagram post that kick-started my obsession with these beautiful animals. The mako is the only drawing in the series that is still on my bucket list!

Completed entirely in graphite pencil on 60” x 48” 400GSM drawing paper.